Why This Matters:
Atlanta remains one of the most active and sought-after markets in the national landscape for real estate investment and development, coming in at #7 in overall real estate prospects in the PwC Emerging Trends in Real Estate Report for 2025. There has been a convergence of asset type performance with residential and industrial cooling combined with positivity across retail, office, senior housing, hotels and more. The equation for real estate assets that will net returns has become a bit murkier, with funds being deployed across asset classes. Project starts, additionally, have slowed as construction costs remain high and access to capital limited due to equity selectiveness and heightened interest rates. After three rounds of cuts from the Federal Reserve to conclude 2024, coupled with a returning Presidential administration that is viewed as business and real estate friendlly, optimism has returned for increased activity. At the same time, questions have arisen around policy related to tariffs on imported goods that could impact access to building materials, as well as how potential deportations could impact the labor force the industry relies on.
Saturation of supply is impacting Multifamily properties and portfolios locally, long viewed as the safest of bets in this market. Additionally, mixed-use, experiential placemaking projects have come to define activity and the neighborhoods they reside in. These too have faced questions of oversupply, as many submarkets, both urban and suburban, have seen these types of projects proliferate. How do these factors and questions influence the outlook for investment and development in one of national investor’s most preferred markets? Where are the savviest investors placing bets? What types of projects are going to dominate the landscape and storylines throughout 2025 and beyond? Bisnow, and our expert panelists, aim to answer these questions and more to position you as you aim to land your next deals.
What You’ll Learn:
- How might increased project starts, potential deportations and tariffs influence construction cost?
- What types of projects are most viable for development locally?
- How will heightened Multifamily vacancy influence development prospects in the metro area?
- Which asset types are seen as safest investment bets for 2025 and beyond?
- Which assets are poised for potential turbulence or downturns in performance?
- What is the status of the latest experiential, mixed-use projects that are defining market activity?
- What capacity for mixed-use projects remains throughout the metro area as submarkets lean into these types of initiatives?